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Vergadertafel in vogelperspectief

Get Involved

In order to have maximal impact, we want to include the opinions of the involved stakeholders as well as help them interpret and use our results and tools.


For journalists we will create a media toolbox which you can discover here.

Policy and decision makers

Including public health authorities

  • Information about upcoming events, workshops and training sessions 

  • Opportunities to input on decision aids and other resources to support policy makers in responding to future pandemics.

  • Guidance documents and other resources once these become available.

  • Information about upcoming events, workshops and training sessions 

  • Opportunities to inform conversations about the data and tools needed to respond to the next pandemic

  • Links to the tools and resources developed through ESCAPE once these become available

Scientific Community
  • Information about upcoming events, workshops and training sessions 

  • Opportunities to inform conversations about the data and tools needed to respond to the next pandemic

  • Links to the tools and resources developed through ESCAPE once these become available

  • Information about upcoming events and workshops

  • Access to short summaries of our research and other resources 

  • Opportunities to participate in and help inform the ESCAPE project as it develops

General Public
  • Information about upcoming events, workshops and training sessions

  • A media toolkit for science journalists and others working in the sector

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